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Physics Diploma




Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. (1998-2003)


Master of Science in Business Information Systems (2000-2002)


MBI Courses Descriptions


MBI Diploma Work


Physicist Engineer Diploma (1993-1998)


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Master of Science in Business Information Systems (2000-2002)

At the frontier between computing and organization

The Master of Science in Business Information Systems (MBI) is organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from the University of Lausanne. This program combines organizational studies and computing to give a thorough understanding of the problems faced by companies and administrations who wish to transform their management systems, reinforce their strategies, or develop new products and services. The proposed courses scan a large range of subjects including conception, development and implementation of information systems :

-         Computing and programming

-         Engineering and development methodology of information systems

-         Organization, strategy and management of information technologies

A high degree of dedication, motivation and creativity are required in this program which includes numerous exercises, seminars, case studies and projects (usually carried out in a team). It also requires each student to write a dissertation. The program is also open to university graduates and to engineers who wish to continuing working, in which case the course lasts two years.

Program : 8 courses, 2 projects, a trip and a diploma work

The MBI diploma requires 60 credits. Eight courses are proposed for 6 credits each. The remaining 12 credits are obtained through two personal projects (development of a database application and the study of an information system). A 3-day trip is organized between two semesters where several companies are visited. The program ends with a diploma project that has to be accomplished during the following summer, possibly combined with a period of training in a company.

Interesting links

-         Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (University of Lausanne) :

-         Master of Science in Business Information Systems : General information

-         MBI brochure (in french) :    

Post-Doctoral Work Activate Navigation Menu MBI Courses Descriptions