MBI Courses Descriptions
Company Telecommunications
This course proposes a panorama of the tools and services implemented by companies to communicate. It also treats the security management of company networks. The following themes are studied : 1) the networks and the communicating company, 2) from technologies to company strategy, 3) telecommunication director scheme, 4) the conception, dimensioning, management and security of company networks.
Knowledge Management
This course is based on practical cases of knowledge and competencies management in the companies, particularly in the perspective of call centers, helpdesks and customer relationship management (CRM). It proposes to illustrate methods, techniques and tools used in the conception and realization of systems based on information and knowledge databases for improving assistance, auditing and decision processes.
Strategy and Technologies of Information
This course main objective is to examine from case studies and papers at which degree the information technologies can be considered as an efficient lever for gaining from the new organizational structures (teamwork and virtual company, for example) and from implementing new strategies (electronic business, for example). The course also study and develop new business models intended to assist companies in their adapation to the current competitive context, characterized mainly by the increasing role played by the information technologies.
Management of Information Systems
The principal objective of this course is to improve the student skills in the management of the company departmental structures and IT departments. It treats the concepts, methods and steps necessary for developing and managing information systems. The course is divided in four parts : 1) project management and development of director schemes, 2) management methods applied to the IT functions, 3) study of the structures and processes of organizations and 4) conception of information systems.
Programming and Agents
This course presents the evolution of programming methods with three models : the procedural, the object oriented and agent oriented programming. The procedural language PASCAL provides the basic algorithmic tools. The development of the formula "program = algorithm + data structure" conducts to the concept of abstract data type. The principles of encapsulation and heritage lead then to the definition of objects. The ultimate step to the agent oriented programming requires the introduction of formal logic, and the development of metainterpetation concept (implemented in the logic PROLOG programming language).
Integration and Databases
This course introduces the notion of integrated architecture for information systems (IS). The different frameworks that withstand the principal company functions and processes are reviewed, from the operational management IS to the IS withstanding other functions as decision datawarehouses, logistic chain management, Internet business presence, integration to electronic markets, etc. A particular point is set on the integration of databases and its role in integrated architectures.
Internet and Programming
This course focus on the current programming technologies used in Internet. The first part of the course introduces the concepts of synchronous programming. The students learn in concrete terms how to build new programs based on the Internet protocols. After this introduction parts, the main middleware frameworks are presented and compared (RMI, CORBA, DCOM). The last part of the course introduces the basics for asynchronous programming with themes like integration to existing applications, mobility, Agent Orientated Programming (AOP), security and script languages.
Audit of Information Systems
The increasing role of computing in all domains of the companies allows a more complete conceptualization and treatment of information. The sophistication level and treatments complexity increase the dependency to the information systems. The managers and the auditors need to evaluate the performances and profitability of their information systems. The goal of this course is to develop and apply methods for evaluating and auditing information systems. An important focus is set on the different phases of auditing information systems, in its technical and financial dimensions and also in its organizational and human dimensions.